Monday, February 4, 2008

I'm tired of being afraid of everything and everyone...

Social phobia is debilitating and crippling. It sucks when you're afraid to talk to people on the phone, let alone go to a job interview. This is my life. And I'm feeling the repercussions.
I remembered that I pretty much hated everyone in my highschool, except for the 5 people I still keep in touch with, but I can't help but wonder what some of them are doing right now, but I don't care enough to find out.

So this isn't a total waste of time, go get Atreyu's "Lead Sails Paper Anchor". It's really good. A nice musical progression for the band, I think. It's more mature, but still with some edge and great riffs. And not to mention Alex croons alot more on this album as much as he roars. And, of course, Brandon's vocals are completely awe-worthy. So go buy it.


Terri D. said...

Okay, first off, I only made two posts about fanpeople. Count 'em, two. I've had that many about the Matrix, Brendan Fraser, and Michelle Yeoh, so yeah, it's not that terrible. Secondly, all you have to do is take that first step out. Yeah, it seems big and insurmountable, but nobody's telling you to go and be student body president. Just make that first step. It's really so easy that once you do it, you'll think, 'that's what the fuss was all about?' And once it's done, all you can move is forward.

Under Thy Tongue said...

Wait. What are you talking about in the last two sentences?? lol. I'm sorry!! I'm so lost!!!

Terri D. said...

Um, being awesome and getting your life started, duh.