Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Sweeney Todd (No Spoilers)

I was fortunate enough to attend an advanced screening of this highly anticipated movie. Firstly, let me say that this is a musical. If you do not like musicals, do not go see this movie. There were plenty of people there last night who commented "there was too much singing" as they exited the theater. Again, it's a musical.
The acting was superb, but what else would you expect with a cast including Alan Rickman, Timothy Spall, Helena Bonham Carter, and, of course, Johnny Depp? Ed Sanders, who plays Toby, has the potential to become the next Freddie Highmore or Haley Joel Osment (hopefully without the rehab). The singing, too, was great. Personally, I was slightly annoyed by the character Johanna's voice, but fortunately she only had one short song. Johnny, however, swooned and crooned with the feeling of a rock star. It was, to say the least, very pleasant to the ears (and of course, the eyes). The songs were really great as well. They were dark and foreboding, but some were soft and sweet, and a few only had dark undertones. The score flowed well with both the songs and the cinematography, as well as with the overall look and feel of the movie, which was dark and dirty and industrial because, hey, it's set in London, and this is a Tim Burton movie, and his movies are simply dark and awesome at the same time. My favorite parts were the duets, when one actor would sing behind another, sometimes even two different songs that blended in so well together. (I want to point out that they did this in August Rush too, which was a great movie as well).
The story line was good too. Having never seen the play, I was still able to guess what would happen next sometimes, but there were still some surprises and twists in the plot which kept it interesting. There were also some comedic elements throughout the film, which is always a plus.
Also, it's rated R for "graphic and bloody violence". Did I mention there was blood? Yes, lots of blood and gore, but of the best kind.
Overall, this movie was delightful. I would give it an A, definitely. Those who don't like musicals or gore might disagree, but I thought it was appropriate for the kind of movie that it was: a musical about a demon barber.
So go see it when it comes out on Christmas. It'll be worth it.


Marlewen said...

I want to see this movie SO BAD. But alas- I am poor.

Terri D. said...

Seriously, Drew was supposed to take me, what happened? I dunno.

Terri D. said...

Mmm, I am not racist! I mean, who hasn't gotten a little mad at black people lately?!?! What? hmmm, I dunno. Anyway, saw Sweeney Todd, and I actually liked it a lot, but the ending was lame. Also, the other fish reference is 'plenty of fish in the sea'. That's 'plenty of fish in the sea'. But thanks for playing.

Terri D. said...

You don't update your blog enough!!!